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Rewards for supporting

Patreon Rewards:

To get rewards sign up on patreon, choose tier, and after it DM kompreSor on discord or patreon.


Tier I:
- Unlimited skins for yourself and 1 for alts
- Car Recolor
- Discord role with access to special channel with earlier game info
- Access to beta server

Tier II

- Unlimited skins for yourself and 3 for alts
- Car Recolor
- Doctor in ~pat
- 3 recolored items
- Rename item
- Colored Chat nickname
- Faster Reroll(Quick Support Perks, Install Implants in base)
- 3 base teleports
- Swap War Event team in lobby, ability to choose random team in War Event, shorter cooldown for rejoin lobby
- Discord role with access to special channel with earlier game info
- Access to beta server

Tier III

- Unlimited skins for yourself and 5 for alts
- Car Recolor
- Doctor in ~pat
- 10 recolored items
- Rename item
- Access to unique dungeon "fake vault"
- Tier 4 base OR Supporter car
- Colored Chat nickname
- Faster Reroll(Quick Support Perks, Install Implants in base)
- 10 base teleports
- Shopkeeper in NCR
- Ingame Planner
- Swap War Event team in lobby, ability to choose random team in War Event, shorter cooldown for rejoin lobby
- Join War Event as spectator
- Discord role with access to special channel with earlier game info
- Access to beta server

Tier IV

- Unlimited skins for you and your alts
- Car Recolor
- Doctor in ~pat
- Unlimited Recolor items
- Supporter car
- Access to unique dungeon "fake vault"
- Access to private unique dungeon "Sky Tower"
- Tier 4/5 base - Can be build specially for you
- Colored chat nickname
- Shopkeeper in NCR
- unlimited base teleports
- Faster Reroll(Quick Support Perks, Install Implants in base)
- Ingame Planner
- Swap War Event team in lobby, ability to choose random team in War Event, shorter cooldown for rejoin lobby
- Join War Event as spectator
- Replicant - build saver(beta version)
- Discord role(with own color) with access to special channel with earlier game info
- Access to beta server

Tier V

- All Benefits from Tier 4
- Arizona Trip - no-PvP Dungeon for exp(something like rockside but in wasteland) 
- Extra war event or exp event per week
- Feature demand(in next big patch, must be realistic)